Thursday, August 23, 2018

Briefly About My Research on Planets and How I Present Doing Science

What could be a more exciting way to use all the new measurements of planets than to find new patterns in their distributions? Planets have been my passionate study since childhood, so now I am studying the distribution of exoplanet parameters. 

I have found new patterns in the counts per (logarithmic) period of planets that depend on how much iron is in the star, for planets of stars that are ``sunlike'' as described by their surface gravity and whether the star is alone or has a stellar companion. This follows my finding that in more than one period range, the orbits of such planets of ``sunlike-stars'' at have higher eccentricity if the star has more iron, but there is a period range where the orbits of planets of low iron stars have especially high eccentricities such that this ``eccentricity-iron'' correlation goes away in this range.

My other planets research has been to observe exoplanets to confirm their discovery and measure their parameters. With one other astronomer, I started a program of observing planets and measuring their parameters. Our group has grown this program to be an important part of several projects, and our group now included as being a major player in confirming TESS planets. 

I enjoy presenting my work to many professional and private audiences. 

I currently live between Hong Kong and Cottonwood, Arizona, though have lately been limited more to staying in Hong Kong. I enjoy being in Asia where I enjoy learning to speak and getting laughed at in two dialects of Chinese. I am active in several forms of public speaking including comedy and storytelling, where I include science as a primary topic. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Crowdfunding to present new discovery of gap in exoplanets in Vienna

I have discovering on a gap in the distribution of exoplanets that I have prepared to present at a major conference, so I am crowdfunding on

I hope to go to the 2018 August International Astronomical Union meeting in Vienna, or if not, the 2019 January American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Seattle. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Crowdfunding for 2018 January astronomy conference

This post was from 2018 January while I was attending the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Washington, DC. The post is being updated to campaign for attending either the 2018 August International Astronomical Union meeting in Vienna, or the 2019 January AAS meeting in Seattle. 

Due to changes by the crowdfunding company Indiegogo in no longer supporting, I have moved my crowdfunding site to
The link below no long works.

I am crowdfunding for support to present my discovery!

Read about my campaign for support for me to participate in astronomy at the crowdfunding site below (run by, a division of

(2018 January Crowdfunding site to Indiegogo/Generosity for "Battle for Belonging" was here)

I made small donations available for you to show your support, but every expression large or small helps persuade larger donors whether crowdfunders or the observatories to whom I apply for jobs.
Even if you cannot support me there, I would be grateful for supportive comments here!

I have come to the astronomy conference to present my exoplanet discovery and to present my efforts to participate in astronomy. I was also accepted to perform a standup comedy routine. We will see how much the astronomy community supports the participation of everyone who has been contributing.

Please leave a comment of support for my persistence to be involved and included!

All expressions of support for participation are appreciated!